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Space to Grow

Computing and Software Requirements 

To complete the Teaching Modules students will require access to computers in the classroom or teaching lab. They will also want to save their work, so will need some share space on the computer or server, or the ability to save to a disk or USB memory stick. Some modules may require access to the internet.

Specific software, network and storage requirements are described in each project module. All the software required for the data processing are free- or trial-ware (no cost and no copyright issues) and require Windows 2000, XP, or Vista. We apologise for any inconvenience caused to users of other operating systems.

Some image files are contained in zip archives. Most computers would already have software to unzip the files, such as the built in Compressed Folders in Windows XP and Vista, or WinZip or Powerzip (which can be obtained via the internet) on older machines. Alternatively, files may be downloaded individually, identified and used according to the instructions here.  

Software Required for the Teaching Modules 

SalsaJ_screengrab SalsaJ Editing and analysis of image data. Recommended for creating colour images.  Alternative to IRIS
Iris_screengrab IRIS Editing and analysis of image data. Recommended for creating colour images.
Makali'i_screengrab Makali`i Editing and analysis of image data. Recommended for aperture photometry (measuring star magnitudes).
Astrometrica_screengrab Astrometrica Astrometry (measuring the positions of objects). Recommended for determining asteroid positions.
 Adobe_PDF_logo Adobe Reader Allows you to read the pdf manuals and files.  Other PDF readers are available online.

Other Useful Astronomy Software 

Stellarium_screengrab Stellarium This virtual planetarium shows you what is in the sky at a certain time. Recommended if you want to plan your own observations with Faulkes Telescopes.  A Keyboard Shortcut Help list can be downloaded here
CLEA_logo Project CLEA A set of astronomical experiments for high school students using virtual telescopes. These are extremely well structured and highly recommended.
Satelliete_approaching_planet Celestia Space travel simulator allowing you to explore space in 3D.
FITSliberator_screengrab FITS Liberator A plugin allowing you to load and manipulate FITS files in Photoshop.

Alternative Software

Portion_of_ds(_screengrab ds9 Image viewing (alternative to IRIS, Makali'i and Astrometrica)
Cartes_du_Ciel_screengrab Cartes du Ciel Observation planner (alternative to Stellarium)
FITSview_screengrab FITSview Image viewing, capable of some simple measurements, plots and basic image processing (alternative to IRIS, Makali'i and Astrometrica)
VSPEC_screengrab VSPEC Analysis of spectroscopic data



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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatu

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.