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Space to Grow

Software - VSPEC


VSPEC (a concatenation of Visual Spectra) is software to analyse astronomical spectra. This program works on FITS images (like those from the Faulkes Telescope) and allows wavelength calibration, identification of spectral lines and an estimate of the full width at half maximum of the spectral lines. The program is supported by an excellent user manual containing clear installation instructions, detailed explanations and lots of examples to follow.

You must install this software if your project requires spectral observations.


  1. Click on this link to the install file (12.6 MB, zipped) to download and unzip it.

  2. In the newly-created vspec_install directory, run SETUP.EXE.
    • Unfortunately the setup is in French! Keep clicking Suivant to install with default settings.
    • Once the program is installed, it will want to restart your computer. Click Terminer to do this.
  3. Download and unzip the following config files.

  4. Copy the contents of the vspec_config directory (not the directory itself) into the directory where vspec has been installed: C:\Program Files\vspec is the default.
    • This will overwrite several files including vspec.exe. Please select "yes I want to overwrite" if it asks.
  5. Create a shortcut to VSPEC:
    • right-click on vspec.exe and select Create Shortcut.
    • move this icon to the desktop or an appropriate place.
  6. Delete the vspec directory on the desktop.

Configuring VSPEC

  1. Run vspec.exe.

  2. Go to Options: Preferences and select Image.pic:
    • Change the directory to where you have put your images
    • Change the File Type to fits
  3. Go to Options: Preferences and select Profile.spc:
    • Change the directory to where you have put your images.
    • Make sure the Type de fichier is spc.
  4. Go to Options: Preferences and select References:
    • Change Line 1 to 4861.33
    • Change Line 2 to 6562.852
  5. Select OK


  • User Manual (PDF, DOC)
  • The VSPEC homepage also includes tons of information about spectra and their analysis, including several tutorials.

VSPEC Homepage

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