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Space to Grow

Software - ds9



ds9 is one of the most popular visualisation programs that professional astronomers use. It is perfect for viewing and doing simple analysis of astronomical FITS images (the type of images from the Faulkes Telescope).


  1. Click on this link to the executable (4.6 MB).

  2. Choose Run to install.

  3. Select Unzip in the WinZip Self-Extractor window to install the program into C:\Program Files\ds9.

  4. Once it is finished "2 file(s) unzipped successfully", click OK and close the WinZip Self-Extractor window.

  5. Go to C:\Program Files\ds9 and right click on the ds9 icon to create a shortcut.

  6. Drag the shortcut to the desktop or other appropriate place.

Help and Troubleshooting

  • Learning ds9
  • A reference manual is also included under the Help menu in the program.

ds9 Homepage

Return to the Software page


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