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Space to Grow

Software - Project CLEA

Project CLEA

Project CLEA (Contemporary Laboratory Experiences in Astronomy) develops laboratory exercises that illustrate modern astronomical techniques using digital data and colour images. They are designed for high school classes at all levels.

Each exercise includes a dedicated computer program, a student manual and a technical guide for the instructor.

This software is highly recommended as an addition to your Faulkes Telescope work.


  1. Technical details (PDF file)

  2. Instructions for installing on a server (PDF file).

  3. Download and unzip the Project CLEA files (8.2 MB).

  4. Inside the created folder, double-click on Install.exe. This will install the basic set of experiments.
    Note: the default location for installation is C:\. You may want to change this to C:\Program Files\CLEA.

  5. Create a shortcut by right clicking on the executables in the installation directory and dragging them to the desktop or other appropriate place.

Additional Experiments

These should automatically install in the C:\Program Files\CLEA directory created above simply by clicking on the links.

Dying Stars (14.6 MB)

Object X (35 MB)

Transits (60 MB)

Radio astronomy of Pulsars (4.5 MB)

Project CLEA Homepage

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