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Space to Grow

Software - Makali`i


Makali`i is professional-quality astronomical software developed for the Japanese SUBARU telescope. This software can manage not only FITS files from the Faulkes Telescope, but also other image formats like jpeg, bitmap, tiff etc.

The program is free for scientific and educational purposes, however, SUBARU headquarters asks you to register before use. A registration key number will be sent to your email address as soon as you submit your registration.


  1. Click on this link to the install file (2.6 MB) to download and install Makali`i. This software is easy to install, and the program will also install a shortcut called Subaru Image Processor on your desktop.

  2. Registration: Up to 50 free licenses for educational purposes may be requested in the automated registration system.

Help and Troubleshooting

  • There is a help feature in the program.
  • Using Makali`i for analysing spectra: A self-contained exercise from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ).
  • Readme File: About Makali`i from NAOJ.
  • When you close the program it may ask if you want to save changes to the fits file you are working on. Click No. It may ask you again, so just click No again.

Makali`i Homepage

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