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Space to Grow

Software - IRIS


IRIS is an excellent image viewer. The program can also be used for positional astronomy, photometry (measuring changes in the brightness of celestial objects) or measuring spectra from spectroscopic images.

This software provides an alternative for Makali`i, VSPEC and Astrometrica.


  1. Click on this link to the install file (4.3 MB zipped).

  2. Note: The default install directory is C:\iris. You will probably want to change this to C:\Program Files\iris or something similar. The installation program asks you for this directory.

  3. Right-click on iris.exe (within the IRIS directory created by the installation) to create a shortcut. Drag that shortcut to the desktop or other appropriate place.

Configuring IRIS

Loading Images

Help and Troubleshooting

IRIS homepage

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