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Space to Grow

Age of a Planetary Nebula


From here you can download everything you need to get you started with the Planetary Nebula project.

  1. Download and install IRIS.

    This software will allow you to view FITS files from the Faulkes Telescope and read off pixel positions from images. Follow the instructions for Configuring IRIS to set your working path to C:\data.

  2. Download the image file.

    Save this file to your hard drive in the directory C:\DATA. is an image of the PN NGC 3242 obtained with the Faulkes Telescope North. The image was made through an R (red) filter. For use with IRIS, the filename must have the extension .fit (not .fits) and all letters should be in lower case. If you download other FITS files or obtain your own data to use with this project, you may need to rename the files accordingly.

Part 1: Measuring the Size of the Planetary Nebula

Return to the main page for this module


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