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Space to Grow

Age of a Planetary Nebula

Discussion and Further Work

  1. Look up reference values for the distance to this PN.

    Finding accurate distances to astronomical objects is very difficult. Estimates of the distance to this PN range between 1400 and 3000 light years. You may wish to search the internet and discuss the different values quoted.

  2. Look up reference values for the age of this PN.

    Compare your answer with these values and then consider these questions:

    • How would the answer change if you measured the shell end-to-end instead of across the narrowest part?
    • How would your calculations change if the distance was double what you have used?
    • How would the answer change if you measured the large faint shell marked in Figure 1, rather than the one marked as the main shell?
  3. Investigate shapes of PN.

    Have a look at some other examples of PN in books or on the internet and take note of the variety in their shapes.

  4. Learn more about finding distances.

    Investigate how astronomers find distances to objects in our own galaxy using annual parallax.

  5. Make a colour image of the planetary nebula.

    Use the instructions from the Making a Colour Image module and data files from the 2007a Sydney Image Archive to make a colour image of this nebula. Investigate why planetary nebulae often exhibit colours not normally seen in stars and galaxies.

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