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Space to Grow

Interacting Galaxies

External Resources

Before starting your investigation or once you have analysed your images, you might want to consider the following resources:

Galaxy Collision: Multi-media presentations from HubbleSite on galaxies and their collisions.

Cosmos: Swinburne University's online astronomy encyclopedia has many articles that should be appropriate for a high school audience.

Crashing Galaxies: This project from the Faulkes Telescope UK site uses the Galaxy Crash Java applet to allow students to collide their own galaxies. It contains teacher notes and student worksheets to guide you through using the applet.

Galaxy Interactions: Supercomputing simulations of galaxy interactions from the Hayden Planetarium. A short explanation accompanies each simulation.

Gravitas: Slow-motion simulations of galaxy collisions of various types. Information is provided on each of the simulations.

SIMBAD Astronomical Database: Obtain data and images of galaxies.

The IRIS home page: This page contains many tutorials and you can also download the IRIS User Manual.

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