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Space to Grow

Interacting Galaxies


With the images seen in the popular media, it is easy to believe that galaxies are isolated bodies in the Universe. However, most galaxies are found in groups and clusters and a not uncommon occurrence is to have one galaxy interacting with another. These interactions tend to change the morphology, or shape, of the galaxies involved, rip out massive tidal tails of stars and gas and initiate star formation as the gas in the galaxies is compressed.

Galactic interactions take place over millions of years so this galactic dance cannot be observed in its entirety. However, observations of different interacting galaxies can be used to build up a sequence of how the interactions may have proceeded. Supercomputer simulations can also be used to investigate how galaxies interact.

Complementary resource material for the Interacting Galaxies Investigation can be found at the UK Faulkes Telescope Observing Interacting Galaxies and Crashing Galaxies websites.


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