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Space to Grow

Interacting Galaxies


From here you can download everything you need in order to get you started with the Interacting Galaxies project.

  1. Downloading and Installing IRIS

    You can download IRIS from the IRIS home page and install, or simply use the version provided in this package and install by clicking on this link to the zipped executable. You may need to select the file SETUP.EXE to start the installation. Note: The default install directory is C:\iris. You will probably want to change this to C:\Program Files or something similar. The installation program asks you for this directory. Once installed, you may want to right-click on iris.exe to create a shortcut which you can then drag to the desktop or other appropriate place.

    The IRIS home page contains many tutorials and you can also download the IRIS User Manual (3.9MB PDF).

  2. Downloading Practice/Archive Data

    One of the best ways to learn how to use IRIS and how to analyse your interacting galaxies is to practice on some real data! Please download the following data from the Faulkes Telescope North for any or all of the six sets of interacting galaxies. Each set contains a red (R), blue (B), and green (V, or visual) image.

NGC3395 3.8Mb NGC3395
NGC3690 4.1Mb NGC3690
NGC4676 3.7Mb NGC4676
NGC1888 3.9Mb NGC1888
NGC2535 3.3Mb NGC2535
UGC5146 3.3Mb UGC5146

Selecting Galaxies to Observe

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Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.