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Software - IRIS

Troubleshooting - Error Message: File not found

If you have attempted to load files using View » (L)RGB and you get an error message that one of the files cannot be found, first cancel the attempt by clicking OK, then Cancel, then OK. There are two important things to check: the file names and the working path.

  1. Checking file names

    • Letters in file names must all be in lower case.
    • Files must have the extension .fit (not .fits).
    • Check whether the file contains underscores or dashes.
    • Check notation, e.g. a lowercase l may be mistaken for a numeral 1.
    • Edit any file names in Windows Explorer as needed.

  2. Checking the working path

    If you have performed several exercises in IRIS and your data are in separate directories, the software will remember your previous setting. Double-check which directory your files are in (in Windows Explorer) and, in IRIS, go to the File » Settings menu. Use the browse button alongside the Working Path box to select the correct directory.

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