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Space to Grow

Software - Astrometrica


  1. Download Astrometrica

    You can download Astrometrica from the downloads section in the Astrometrica home page, This package is called and is 21.4Mb in size.

  2. Install Astrometrica

    If you have right-clicked and saved the package created specifically for this project, all you have to do to install is to unzip the file. You might want to move the resulting Astrometrica folder to the C:\Program Files\ directory. Once you have placed the folder where you want it, to start Astrometrica you simply double-click Astrometrica.exe. Create a shortcut to this file to place on your Desktop. The first thing you should then do is set up Astrometrica so that it knows where to find the files it will need to access.

  3. Downloading Practice Data

    One of the best ways to learn how Astrometrica works and how to analyse your asteroid data is to practice on some real data! Please see the Asteroids teaching module for examples and instructions on how to analyse the data.

Return to the Astrometrica page


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