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Astronomy and Astrophysics Group


IDL Library for Atomic Level Populations and Line Emissivities
in Statistical Equilibrium

Current Version: 0.1

What is proEQUIB?
The proEQUIB library is a collection of Interactive Data Language (IDL)/GNU Data Language (GDL) programs developed to calculate atomic level populations and line emissivities in statistical equilibrium in multi-level atoms for different physical conditions of the stratification layers where the chemical elements are ionized. The proEQUIB library includes the IDL/GDL version of the program EQUIB, which was originally written in FORTRAN by Howarth & Adams (1981), and was recently converted to IDL/GDL.
How does proEQUIB work?
proEQUIB uses a set of atomic data from the AtomNeb database for solving the equations of atomic level populations in statistical equilibrium, and obtaining line emissivities for given physical conditions (electron density and temperature).
How can I use proEQUIB?
proEQUIB needs to use the atomic data, so you need to set its path using the IDL/GDL procedure set_atomic_data_path, then there are the two main functions for plasma diagnostics and abundance analysis, namely calc_density(), calc_temperature() and calc_abundance(). These functions are also called by other functions in proEQUIB.
What are the system requirements for proEQUIB?
proEQUIB requires the Interactive Data Language (IDL) compiler developed by ITT Exelis Visual Information Solutions (ITT Exelis VIS). It can be used with GNU Data Language (GDL), which is a free alternative to IDL.
The source code can be downloaded from the following links:

History of proEQUIB can be found here.